On Sunday, October 13, we honored our generous donors with dinner and a special presentation. We also announced this year’s recipients of the Elizabeth Alexander & Richard J. Price Distinguished Cross and Crown Award, Diane and Donald Ross.
Music & Its Impact On American Patriotism
Why did Kate Smith’s manager receive death threats when she first performed her signature American anthem, “God Bless America”? It wasn’t because the song was bad, but instead, the songwriter. Throughout 20th century American musical history, the public has often scrutinized artists whenever God, family, and country are proudly brought together in song. The same might be said of some of our most beloved Christmas songs which were largely written by immigrant or first generation Jewish songwriters. The fact is, patriotism and belonging to this great country is amplified by the songs and anthems we know and love. Join Mark Kreditor as he weaves sing-a-long and story to find the glue that makes us all proud to be Americans.
2024 Donor Appreciation Dinner Featuring Mark Kreditor
/in Media /by Tammy DalkeAnnual Foundation Donor Appreciation Dinner
On Sunday, October 13, we honored our generous donors with dinner and a special presentation. We also announced this year’s recipients of the Elizabeth Alexander & Richard J. Price Distinguished Cross and Crown Award, Diane and Donald Ross.
Music & Its Impact On American Patriotism
Why did Kate Smith’s manager receive death threats when she first performed her signature American anthem, “God Bless America”? It wasn’t because the song was bad, but instead, the songwriter. Throughout 20th century American musical history, the public has often scrutinized artists whenever God, family, and country are proudly brought together in song. The same might be said of some of our most beloved Christmas songs which were largely written by immigrant or first generation Jewish songwriters. The fact is, patriotism and belonging to this great country is amplified by the songs and anthems we know and love. Join Mark Kreditor as he weaves sing-a-long and story to find the glue that makes us all proud to be Americans.
2024 Owen Lenten Lectures Media
/in Media /by Tammy DalkeRead the rest
2024 McCormick Lecture Series Media: What’s Next?
/in Media /by Tammy DalkeRead the rest
2023 Owen Lenten Lectures Media: Becoming Lovers of God
/in Media /by Tammy DalkeRead the rest
2022 Owen Lenten Lecture Series Media: Diving Deep
/in Media /by Tammy DalkeRead the rest