An Artist in Bloom

featuring artwork by Renee Robison

Art Exhibit: Feb. 6 – Apr. 21
Meet the Artists Reception: Sunday, Mar. 9, 12:00 PM
Live Music & Refreshments

In Watson Hall at Lovers Lane United Methodist Church

9200 Inwood Rd, Dallas, TX 75220
[corner of Northwest Highway and Inwood Rd – Enter at Entrance A]

Renee Robison

The Lovers Lane Foundation and its Visual Arts Committee are excited to present the artwork of Renee Robison.  Renee is known as An Artist in Bloom, focused on painting nature and the beautiful colors that inspire her passion.  Her travel stateside and abroad have provided her opportunities to take in the beauty of wide-ranging parts of the world, and the color, light, and people she has met fuel her inspiration. Every view becomes a bouquet of possibilities for “An Artist in Bloom.” The beauty of Texas wildflowers has become her recent focus, in particular, bluebonnets, Indian paintbrush, and crimson clover. Using a variety of painting mediums:  oil, watercolor, and acrylic, she continues to develop her style with a bold color palette.

Artreach Gallery

The ArtReach Gallery graces the walls of Watson Hall at Lovers Lane United Methodist Church and is the work of the Visual Arts Committee of LLUMC and is sponsored by the Lovers Lane Foundation. All artwork is for sale unless otherwise indicated. Purchase prices are shown on the title cards on display in Watson Hall.    A portion (25%) of all sale proceeds benefits the Visual Arts Endowment Fund of the Lovers Lane Foundation.  To purchase a piece of art, contact Paul Ditto at 214-706-9561 or email

Visual Arts Committee

The ArtReach Gallery is a product of the hard work of the Visual Arts Committee of LLUMC. It graces the walls of Watson Hall at Lovers Lane United Methodist Church, located at 9200 Inwood Rd, Dallas, Texas (entrance A), and can be viewed 7 days a week during normal business hours. All artwork is for sale unless otherwise indicated.  25% of all proceeds benefits its sponsor, the Lovers Lane Foundation.

To volunteer for our Visual Arts Committee, contact:

Margaret Mall or Judy Young

Judy Young: | 214.669.1086

Margaret Mall: | 214.794.9355